Enjoy OST with the game

Hi, man. How are you getting along with your adventure?

If you are suffer from many traps and puzzles, you may ask hint of them of an experienced adventurer around you.
Anyway, please enjoy our masterpiece thoroughly in your own way. It is our wish.

By the way, the original sound tracks are already sold. Those are self‐confident works, too.

It’s available on bandcamp.

You can also get the liner notes and jacket images on Download page.

Enjoy them together with the game.


  1. Julio Pacheco says

    I couldn’t notice that you put some sheet music in your guidebook from the japanese site.

    I was wondering if your complete guide comes with more sheet music from the game?. I want to learn how to play the bass part from Primitive Dance πŸ™‚

  2. Pringao says

    I have the same problem TheMaverick has, I’m playing the Wiiware version… I’m stuck unable to finish the game because of that, and I just can’t reach that Grail Point no matter what I try. Can’t break more walls or open paths in the Moonlight Temple, and I can’t go through any walls in the Graveyard of Giants.

    Do I really need to start the game all over again?… I mean, I really, really loved the game. It’s amazing. But I’m not sure my nerves can take it all over again. There have been so many frustrating moments and when I just felt like wraping it up… bam. I can’t finish it .

    What can I do, Nigoro?


    PC version was adjusted because many people were puzzled.
    About Wii version, you can find another way later.

  4. TheMaverickk says


    I downloaded the WiiWare version of La-Mulana remake, and I’ve almost completed the game now. Except there is one snag. I haven’t been able to reach the Grave of the Giant’s grail point tablet.

    I know where it is… I know it’s connected to a doorway from the Moonlight Temple. Still I can’t get to it.

    I have watched some people playing the PC version from Playism. They seem to have no problems using a secret entrance, through a block of ice. Sadly it’s sadly whenever I try to pass through it. I’ve tried sliding through the wall, double jumping, and still haven’t passed through it.

    Is this a glitch/bug? If I need to do a specific action, anyone is free to speak up and tell me what I may be missing, I’ll try anything. I don’t think I’m the only one having this issue though. Any help really appreciated.

  5. Got everything! You guys are wonderful! But I need more!
    LA MULANA 2!
    LA MULANA 2!
    LA MULANA 2!

  6. MSX_Forever says

    Thank you so much for making an awesome game NIGORO team! Brings back good memories like the MSX games. I have all the versions you guys released so far. One of my favorite games on the MSX is the Maze of Galious. I can’t believe you guys used similar ideas from that game! Amazing!!! I must admit, I died so many times in the game and got stuck solving some of the puzzles especially when I played the free version for the first time! I had to use a guide to get through the game! Even the on the new release, you guys managed to get me stuck again! I wish there was a death count feature in the game just to keep track on how many deaths I had. And of course the music in the game is AMAZING! That’s one of my personal key things, excellent music for me to enjoy video games fully.

  7. Nigoro, Will you translate your archaeological lecture section with the skeleton or put the flash game on the site? I would read the lectures on the Japanese version of the website but that translation is no good.

    I own three tracks from disc three and want to buy two, especially Spirit of Giants, which I look forward to the most.

    I own five tracks from disc two and want to buy Wise Men Who Halts.

    I own four tracks from disc one and want to buy two, especially High Speed Beast.