
Happily, we came to be able to release WiiWare version overseas.

We lost the publisher, and gave up releasing La-Mulana for a time as you know.
And, It is EnjoyUpGame that ran for new publisher.

This company has a history of 14 years, and is based in Barcelona, Spain. They released a lot of DSiWare recently.

Some companies offered to help us after that news was announced. It is Mr. Julio from EnjoyUp who offered for the publisher first of all.

We were deeply depressed by the difficulty of releasing the games overseas. But we thought that we tried again because he is faithful. Then, everything went very smoothly, and the release date was decided so fast.

Let us all be thankful to EnjoyUpGames for saving this game!

By the way, LA-MULANA WiiWare version will be released at 20 September in both North America and Europe.

The price is 1,000 wii points.

We are sorry that WiiWare version does not have add on content. (e.g. Hell Temple) Instead, the price is lower than Japanese version.

Anyway, we will release WiiWare version.


  1. kesley says

    A big thank you to the developers and the publisher. I am happy to be playing La-Mulana on my Wii after years of waiting and disappointment. I would love to see this game make its way to the Nintendo e-Shop with add on content for the 3DS in the near future.

  2. That’s too bad about the DLC issues, but I’m still just glad to see it make it’s way over!

  3. tinman says

    Thanks for all your dedication, guys! Give my regards to EnjoyUp Games as well! It’s like a dream come true.

  4. LemGambino says

    Will the Hell Temple be added at a later date via patch? It’d be kinda sad for WiiWare owners to miss out.

  5. I too can’t wait for the game to finally come out here:) Though I can’t help but wonder if there could be any way to release the add-on content at a later time. I know other WiiWare games (Gradius Rebirth and Cave Story for example) have released updated versions, so perhaps La-Mulana could follow the same route. Just an idea.

  6. Parnash says

    While I’m sad about not having the bonus content, I’d rather have no bonus content than no game at all.

    That being said, thank you, Mr. Julio!

  7. .hamdan says


  8. LaMulanaFan says

    Thank you for releasing it on WiiWare! I’m very excited to buy & play it on my Wii. Thanks EnjoyUp games 😀

  9. Truly, some good news =D

  10. cylex7 says

    So, I take it that Boss Rush is out as well? Ah, well, at least the game will finally be here! Can’t wait!

  11. its great that we/wii finaly are getting i

  12. Okay, it makes a lot of sense that there had to be some cuts in order to get the wiiware version of the game done. With the Wii U and 3DS has free reign of digital content, is there chances for the game to appear on the Wii U and the 3DS also. If given you do release it for those 2, then they would have something like La-Lulana extended for example to show that the game would have the extra content.


  1. […] a blog post released today, Nigoro announced that with the help of EnjoyUp Games- who have allegedly been quite […]